The W must be followed by a number
from 0 to 7 which controls how the sound
builds up (the attack) or fails off (the
decay). This is the full range of numbers
and what they do
0 | single decay then off |
1 | single attack then off |
2 | single decay then hold |
3 | single attack then hold |
4 | repeated decay |
5 | repeated attack |
6 | repeated attack-decay |
7 | repeated decay-attack |
This program plays the same note with
each effect in turn to let you hear what
they sound like
10 LET a$="UX1000W0C&W1C&W2C&W3C&W4C&W5C&W6C&W7C"
20 PLAY a$
Notice the U to turn on the effect, then the
series of W numbers.
There is one other new command used
here, the letter X. This can be followed by a
number from 0 to 65535 to set the length
of the sound effect - the larger the
number, the longer the effect is drawn out.
You do not have to include an X setting.
If you do not, the Spectrum 128 will
automatically choose the longest. In
general, repetitive effects (W4 to 7) are
more effective with quite short settings, eg
X300.'Single shot' effects (W0 to W3)
need a longer period, eg X1000. Try
changing the value after X in the program
above to hear the difference.
The speed at which a piece of music is
played can be set with the command T
followed by the number of crotchet beats
per minute (bpm) in the range 60 to 240.
The command controls the speed at which
all notes are played, but can only be
included in channel A (the first string after
the PLAY command) otherwise it is
ignored, eg
10 LET a$="T180cdefg"
20 PLAY a$
If no tempo is specified, the music will be
played at 120 bpm.
Repeated phrases
Any musical phrase can be repeated by
enclosing the appropriate string or part of a
string in brackets. For example
10 LET a$="abC(DEFG)"
will repeat the last four notes. If there is an
unequal number of brackets, the phrase
will be repeated back to the last bracket.
If there is only a closing bracket, the phrase
will be repeated back to the beginning of
the string, eg
10 LET a$="abCDEFG)"
will repeat all seven notes. Double closing
10 LET a$="O2CEGA))"
will cause an 'infinite' repeat. This is
particularly useful for things like repetitive
bass lines. To turn off an 'infinite' repeat
you use the H command.
The H command
An H included in any string immediately
turns off the PLAY command. The main
use of this is where you have an infinitely
repeated bass line in one string. You can
stop this at the end of the tune by putting
an H on the end of the string which plays
the melody.