Battlefield - James Thurlby (ZX Computing-Apr/May 84) Fancy your chances as a tank commander? James Thurlby of Farnborough lets you try! "Message from HQ to Tank Commander. Destroy enemy sites. Return to base ... Warning ... Fields contain mines, traps and craters ... You have 5 Tanks ... Good Luck. If you manage to complete your mission then you get your just reward - another mission with even more obstacles to avoid, and a greater concentration of enemy sites! To wipe out an enemy site all you have to do is to drive your tank over it: simple but effective! Once all the sites have been destroyed then you will be told to return to your base camp. At the end of the game you will be given a ranking according to your performance. This is one of those simple but annoyingly addictive games which appear now and then. Controlling your tank is not as easy as it looks and accurate timing of key presses is essential. Your computer controlled tank responds to key "q" to go up, "z" down, "7" left and "8" right. However, it only recognises lower case letters so make sure that CAPS LOCK is off or, as an exercise, adjust the program to take this into account. Variables s$(21,31) Character array holding screen display tank Number of tanks left dest Number of enemy sites destroyed stage Stage of the game x,y Random numbers used to calculate position of obstacles ts Tank UDG different for each of the four directions a,b Horizontal and vertical position of tank a1 ,b1 Old tank position res Number of enemy destroyed in this stage n$ Tank direction of movement m$ Change of direction on key pressed f Loop variable r$ Rank achieved by player c,d Duration and pitch values for BEEPs z$ Input string for questions asked in the program Down the lines 100-127 Initialisation routines 130-200 Main program loop 1005-1990 Move tank routine 2000-2990 Checks 3000-3140 Tank destroyed end routine 4000-4060 Stage completed routine 7900-7930 Screen coordinates 7940-8230 Initialisation of all variables, etc. 9000-9190 Instructions and UDG setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE: Arcade Game Comment: This info file was typed by Jim Grimwood Downloaded from: Desert Island Disks -- Maintained by: Michael Bruhn --