Tr-Dos v5.xx - programmer's manual -------------------------------------- 1.Internal Tr-Dos functions 2.Tr-Dos error codes 3.History of changes 4.To do 5.Copyright 1.Internal Tr-Dos functions ----------------------------- To have access to desired Tr-Dos function you have to load C register with function number, load other used registers with necessary data ( see function description ) and do CALL #3D13. #00 - Interface initialization. This resets FDC chip ( WD1793 in original Beta 128 Disk interface, KR1818WG93 in Soviet clone of Beta 128 Disk interface ), moves drive heads to physical 00 track and waits for INTRQ signal. BREAK key pressing is also checked. #01 - Disk drive initialisation. Drive number must be loaded to A register. If DOS variable in range 23802...23805 for defined drive is not initialized yet ( equal to #FF ) then it will be set to #08. After that DOS set some variables. 23752...23755: #00 for 40 track or #80 for 80 track drives. Then number of drive from A register will be written to 23798 ( current drive number ), and to the 23830 will be saved copy of system register. #02 - Seek track. Track number must be loaded to A register ( in range 0-179, i.e. 1-st physical track has 0 and 1 logical track numbers - 0 bottom side, 1 top side ). #03 - Set sector number. Sector number should be loaded to the A register ( 1-16 ) - this number will be written to 23807 DOS variable. #04 - Define buffer address. Buffer address must be loaded to the HL register pair. This writes HL contents to 23808 DOS variable. #05 - Read group of sectors. In HL must be loaded address where sector data should be readed, B must be loaded with number of sectors to read, D must be loaded with track number and E with sector number. If B loaded with #00 then interface will only read sector address mark - useful if you only want check is there sector with defined number on the track. #06 - Write group of sectors. Everything same as for #05 function, except B=#00 of course ;) #07 - Send disk catalogue to the stream. Stream number must be loaded to the A register ( 2-screen, 3-printer ). Disk number will be taken from ( 23798 ) DOS variable. You have to write contents of 23798 to 23800 and 23801 variables too. Function #18 will be automatically executed. #08 - Read file descriptor to DOS variable area. This read file descriptor ( #0F bytes ) with number from A ( from 0 to 127 include deleted ) to #5CDD-#5CEC address. #09 - Write file descriptor from DOS variable area to disk. This will write file descriptor ( #0F bytes ) starting from #5CDD address to the disk catalogue. Number of descriptor to replace must be loaded in A register. #0A - Find file. File name and file type must be specified in DOS variables #5CDD-#5CE5, number of bytes to check must be written to 23814. If file found then C register, #5D1E and #5D0F DOS variables will contain number of file descriptor. If no file found the in C register will be #FF. #0B - Save CODE file to disk. Address must be loaded to HL registers pair and length must be loaded to DE register pair. Name and type must already be in #5CDD address. No checking for existing file will be done. Also function #18 executed automatically. #0C - Save BASIC program to disk. File name must already be in #5DCC. At #5CD1 must be specified number of BASIC auto-start line. #0D - Exit from Tr-Dos ( reserved ). #0E - Load or Verify. File descriptor must already be in #5DCC. Write #00 to #5CF9 if you want Load or #FF if you want Verify file. For loading BASIC program #5D10 must have #00! If there will be #FF then old BASIC program will be removed but new one would not be readed. According to contents of A register this function acts in different ways: A=#00 - take address and length from disk catalogue; A=#03 - take address in HL length in DE; A=#FF - take address in HL but length taken from disk catalogue; #0F - Exit from Tr-Dos ( reserved ). #10 - Exit from Tr-Dos ( reserved ). #11 - Exit from Tr-Dos ( reserved ). #12 - Delete file. Name and file type must be specified in #5CDD address. Please note that ALL files with such attributes will be deleted from disk. In #5D08 will be saved first symbol of name of last deleted file and first symbol of file name on disk will be changed to #01 ( deleted file mark ). #13 - Copy data to file descriptor area. This function copies #0F bytes from address in HL to #5CDD. #14 - Copy file descriptor information. This function copies file descriptor information ( #0F bytes ) from #5CDD to address in HL register. #15 - Test track. This function reads whole track which number must be loaded to the D register. If there was any errors then DOS variable #5D0F will contain "7" error code and in variable #5CD6 number of bad sectors. #16 - Select bottom disk side. This changes "disk side" bit in system register to '0'. #17 - Select top disk side. This changes "disk side" bit in system register to '1'. #18 - Read system track from disk. This will try read 9th logical sector from disk and set DOS system variables. 2.Tr-Dos error codes ---------------------- Error codes returned in BC register pair of Z80 CPU. 0 - No errors 1 - No files 2 - File exists 3 - No space 4 - Directory full 5 - Record number overflow 6 - No disk 7 - Disk errors 8 - Syntax errors 10 - Stream already opened 11 - Not disk file 12 - Stream not open 3.History of changes ---------------------- · 28 Nov 1999 - First version completed · 02 Mar 2000 - Minor mistakes fixed; description of function #00 corrected; 'History of changes' and 'To do' sections added all "0x" changed to "#" 4.To do --------- · description of possible error codes for every function · how to disable BREAK key checking · examples of system-friendly programming · list of differences in Tr-Dos version 5.xx range · basics of direct FDC programming and list of addresses of useful routines in Tr-Dos of version 5.xx range · how to read Beta 128 formatted disks on other machine - Amiga or PC 5.Copyright ------------- Beta 128 Disk Interface and Tr-Dos (c) 1984-1986 Technology Research Ltd. Tr-Dos Functions description (c) 1990 by Andrew MOA and Mac Buster^Extreme English "translation" (c) 1999 by Mac Buster^Extreme